2 Great Cook’s Country Recipes

Yeah, I know–I should be writing. But I promised you two wonderful recipes from my experiments with the Cook’s Country June/July 2011 issue. There were a whole bunch of other recipes we tried that worked out well, but these were our favorites and good enough to get me to subscribe. By the way, I found these

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Gladwell, Dish Cloths, and Higher Technology for Tuna

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell After reading Made to Stick, I decided to read the book that inspired it—The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell. I’d read Blink and Outliers by the same author and found both fascinating.  I’m happy to report The Tipping Point is just

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Some 101 for Congress and the President

It’s not really rocket science. If you have loans outstanding and the payment is due, you owe the creditors a payment. Payables for Idiots 101. If you have received goods and services, then you owe your vendors a payment. Payables for Idiots 102. You pay your bills. End of story. That’s what grown ups do.

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