My presentations at LDStorymakers May 10-11, 2013

I’ll be giving two presentations at LDStorymakers this year.

“Vivid and Clear” — Despite the often repeated 11th commandment for writers—show, don’t tell—writers NEVER show. They can’t. It’s all tell, tell, tell. The trick is to tell in a way that helps your readers imagine the situation (action, thought, dialogue, description, etc.) with such vividness and clarity it triggers an emotional response.  In this hour we’ll explore a number of simple but powerful prose techniques that help you do just that.

“Story Turns” — Story turns–cliffhangers, rugpulls, plot twists, reversals, surprises, revelations (and more)–are a core part of an exciting plot, pacing control, and making a reader want to turn the page. In this workshop we’ll explore the main types of story turns and how they work so you can use them in your writing. (They’ve got me scheduled to give this one twice.)

More importantly, I get to attend some very interesting looking presentations from other writers when I’m not on stage. I had a blast last year.

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4 Responses to My presentations at LDStorymakers May 10-11, 2013

  1. Matt Hayes says:

    Hey, John, are you going to be at LTUE in February?


  2. John Brown says:


    Alas, LTUE conflicts with my daughter’s basketball schedule, so I won’t be able to come this year. And I so very much wanted to go. I love LTUE.

  3. Mike Barker says:

    YouTube videos? Please…

  4. John Brown says:


    All the videos of other presentations have been recorded by other folks who offered up their services. Unfortunately, I have no equipment. However, if the presentations go well maybe I can think about writing up the points here 🙂