Need Your Input on a T-shirt Design

Folks have been asking and I’ve been thinking about a T-shirt. I want it to have potential to be a cool saying on its own (so people actually want it) as well as promo for the book. I know I want the title, but do we need anything else? I’d like your input.


Slap the title as it appears on the book on a black shirt. Font is brown or the green of what’s on the book’s cover.



I had someone say that the parents might be concerned if their kids were walking around with a shirt proclaiming they were servants of a dark god. Part of me says, yeah! Another part says, well, I guess I can see their point. The suggested solution was to add the words “I am not a” in front of the title in smaller font. It works. But it also feels like a copy cat of Dan Wells’ marvelous shirt which is just the title of his book.


In this version you get the bang of the title, but then you make it clear we’re talking about a book, not minions. So you have the title as above in big letters, then underneath or on top in smaller font you have:

  • Read it!
  • Eat. Sleep. Read.
  • Rocks!
  • An Epic Fantasy
  • Book-o-thrills
  • The humans are being ranched…
  • It’s story time, kiddies…
  • ??

So here’s where I need your help. Let me know which option you like best and if you have any ideas for option 3, please share them!!!

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8 Responses to Need Your Input on a T-shirt Design

  1. Kirahfaye says:

    How about putting either the title or the “subtitle” extension on the back? Or will using both sides raise the price of the T-shirt?

    Oh, and here are a couple more suggestions for the subtitle – “We are Cattle” or “Feed Your Hunger”

  2. amylamborn says:

    I like the idea of a T-shirt. My suggestion would be to put the title either on the front or back with “we are cattle” on the opposite. It will make people ask “what’s your shirt about” and be advertising for your book.
    I share the concern about being a servant of a dark god. But I really think people will ask what it means (especially here in Utah) lol

  3. John Brown says:

    Good comments

  4. Janiel says:

    How about:
    Servant of a Dark God — It’s what’s for dinner.

    BTW, heard you at a writer’s conference last spring. Terrific job and extremely helpful.

  5. John Brown says:


    Good one. Glad you found the conference stuff useful!

  6. bdayton says:

    Servant of a Dark God: Wrangling Humans since 2009

    Yeah, terrible, I know, but I had to try.

  7. erellsworth says:

    How about a sub-header/back that says, “Where did my day go?”

  8. John Brown says:

    Ha, good ones!