No, this was the first interview!

Alas, I didn’t know Bryce had posted his. Dang the omniscient glitch! Furthermore, Bryce is a local “Utard” 😛

So read the very first interview on The Intelli-Gent Reviews where I reveal that it was Rudolph who really made me want to be a storyteller.

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One Response to No, this was the first interview!

  1. bdayton says:

    I appreciate the shoutout. My blog is severely lacking in readership right now, so all new visitors are appreciated. I’ve also been feeling a little under the weather, so my writing and my reading have been replaced by wandering the internet and feeling lousy. Hopefully both those things will change soon, and I can get some more reviews and a few thousand more words cranked out on the novel. Again, thanks for the link John.