The Harry Potter Book of Mormon Hello

For those who haven’t been tracking the Broadway scene, South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone launched the production of The Book of Mormon musical last year in New York. It won 9 Tony Awards, including best muscial, delighted many critics, and is something I will never see, alas. It’s simply too vulgar for this Mo. However, the show’s cast album did something that hasn’t happened in over 40 years: It hit the top ten on Billboard’s pop charts. While I couldn’t listen to all the songs (yeah, I tried but was almost struck by lightning), “Hello,” the first, is great. But it doesn’t stop there. Oh, no. Tessa Netting, a 20-year-old Broadway actress, recently had the brilliant idea to combine the characters of Harry Potter with the song. I think you’ll be delighted with both.

“Hello” from the musical

“Hello – Harry Potter Book of Mormon Parody” which you can get on iTunes.

You might want to listen to an interesting All Things Considered NRP interview where Stone and Parker talk about the music.

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