Resist the SERVANT marshmellow

Folks, please resist the SERVANT marshmellow.

Me and my big mouth. I unwisely let it slip in a comment thread that I had Servant up on Amazon (it’s up early because I need at least 24 hours to make sure my purchase gets the ratings going and to make sure everything looks right). And some of you have gone out to purchase it, for which I love you, BUT I should have made clear that we’re still in the proof check phase. That means we’re carefully going over the beta version of the trade paper book and catching the errors you only see when it’s in book form (next time I’ll do the trade paper first and then the ebook). You might not notice the things we’re catching and will be happy with the proof version. But I hate thinking you’re getting anything but the best.

If you’ve already purchased and don’t care, fine. If you do, Amazon has a liberal return policy. For the rest of you: DON’T EAT THE MARSHMELLOW. Give us just a few days. Make sure you’ve signed up for the new book release notification on the left. I’ll let you know when everything is ready to go AND on sale 🙂

Happy holidays!

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8 Responses to Resist the SERVANT marshmellow

  1. JohnW says:

    I was not seriously troubled by any errors. I saw a few typos and superfluous words here and there, but not a lot. I’ve seen ebooks that are officially released that have a lot more errors than the current Servant ebook has.

    By the way, did you know that once you make revisions to an ebook, you can notify amazon and they will eventually send out notices to customers who have bought the ebook so they can get the updated version?

  2. John Brown says:

    Newbie Indie that I am, I did not know that. That’s excellent news, John. Thanks for letting me know.

    As for the errors, I’m glad to hear they didn’t bug you too much. They’re driving me nuts. Every time I find one, I start to believe more and more that some evil genie is sabotaging the document file when I go to bed.

  3. ghosttie says:

    I can’t imagine it’s anything as bad as some of the books out there (especially the ones that are OCR’d without any editing whatsoever), but I appreciate the perfectionism 🙂

    Here’s a link to what JohnW was talking about:

    Also Amazon have actually added an Automatic Book Update option in the Manage Your Kindle section of the Amazon Store, so people with that turned on would get the changes without having to do anything.

  4. John Brown says:


  5. Expendable Henchman says:

    I won’t turn on automatic book update, since it’s an open door for Amazon to retroactively delete purchased content. I also don’t want them quietly rewriting history. Han shot first.

    However, I will be buying your books (and ebook) during the book bomb, since boosting your career is very much in my best interest. The better your professional success, the more of your books I get to read.

    Thank you. In coming years I look forward to telling people “I started reading the Dark God series before it was a series” in the finest snobby fashion.

    Do you sign books that are sent to your PO Box with a SASE? Do you do cartoons?

  6. John Brown says:

    I certainly will sign a book sent with a SASE, and include my signature cartoon face.

    PO Box 157
    Laketown, UT 84038

    Some things I will not sign, like babies, since I did not author them.

  7. ghosttie says:

    I’d like to give this book as a Christmas present – do you think it will be released before Christmas?

  8. John Brown says:


    Guaranteed. The post-proof ebook is already up and available. The paperback is approved and submitted. All we’re waiting for is for CreateSpace to automatically post the paper version to Amazon which should be done this week. As soon as it’s live, I will let everyone know. I will have a special early-bird price on the paper version that’s almost right at cost.