Indie Thoughts: Russell Blake’s Indie Author Myths

This is from Russell Blake, a pseudonym for Craig Osso, a 52-year-old retired home developer who has sold close to 450,000 copies of the 25 books he published in the last 30 months. The man has made over a million bucks at this. 1) Books Sell Themselves. No, sweetie, they don’t, at all, and never did. That’s why

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Indie Thoughts: When an author should self-publish and how that might change

From publishing consultant Mike Shatzkin: For a number of reasons, the belief here is that most of the time for most authors who can get a deal with an established and competent house, their best choice is to take it. Sounds reasonable, but then we get to the money quotes. The strength of the traditional

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Indie Thoughts: Publishers know profit, but haven’t tapped best seller lists

In The Business Rusch: Generational Divide Kris Rusch points out that the new on-demand and long-tail market for books has changed the duration of the opportunity a book has to be successful, but that it seems the industry still isn’t recognizing this in how they measure success. The problems come from the fact that those of

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