Best Buy, Samsung, and Sony

I am not an early adopter. I do not rush out to buy the latest and greatest of anything. If I have something that works, then I keep using it until it absolutely won’t work anymore. For example, Nellie and I bought a Honda Accord when we were first married. Fourteen years later, we had

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Mitt Romney’s Body Man

There’s going to be a novel and movie about a presidential candidate’s Body Man. I can feel it. The topic is too rich. I’m not talking about his body guard. Or some wardrobe guy. Or, please, some sexual thing (good grief, people). I’m talking about the dude whose task it is to free up the

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The average American reads 17 books per year

Americans and Reading The Pew Research Center has just published their findings on reading in America. It’s called “The Rise of E-reading“. There’s a LOT of fascinating information in the report. Here’s a taste: Americans 18 and older read on average 17 books each year. 19% say they don’t read any books at all. Only 5% say they

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