Good Stuff! Operation Underground Railroad


I blogged about this before.

On February 28th, Operation Underground Railroad freed 20 kids from slavery and brought 5 slavers to justice. They are continually running operations.

Oskar Schindler didn’t stop the killing of all Jews. But he did what he could. One of the most poignant moments of Schindler’s List was when he pulled out his pen and realized he could have saved someone with his pen. We all have a pen opportunity in front of us. Join me and my family. Become an abolitionist.

We’ve set up a monthly amount, but even a one-time donation puts you on the team.

I know you want more information. Here’s an awesome video where the founder explains what’s happening and what they’re doing.

In this one, Glenn Beck interviews Cliff Graham about the organization. It’s a must-see interview.

See how you can help.


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One Response to Good Stuff! Operation Underground Railroad

  1. musicals says:

    Hi Maja,
    So good film and cool sound. Thanks!
    Li Tieqiao