6 Responses to PDF of “Make ‘Em Beg For More”

  1. Thank you for a marvelous presentation at Storymakers! It was terrific! Such a specific way to look at how to raise tension and the stakes in a story and keep readers turning the pages. Just bought your book BAD PENNY, too! Thanks again.

  2. John Brown says:

    Glad to hear you found it useful, Kimberley 🙂

  3. Karen Todd says:

    Your presentation on this was riveting. I haven’t read your books, but if they’re anything like your presentation style, I’m in! Thank you for making the PDF available, too. Great stuff.

  4. John Brown says:

    Terrific. So glad to hear you enjoyed the presentation.

  5. Terry Deighton says:

    Thank you for making your presentation available. It was one of the most helpful I attended.

  6. John Brown says:

    That’s excellent to hear.